Thursday, January 28, 2016

Unique Workouts Are The Best: Blizzard Hike 2016

As you probably know it snowed like a mug up in the DC area last weekend. I was stuck at my brother's house and we had no food, so I woke up early and headed outside in the blizzard, to see what was open.  What started out as a short trip to the 7-11 on the corner turned into quite the crazy adventure.

After hitting up Sev and getting some snacks, I decided to walk down to the next neighborhood and see if anything was open. I did this again, and again, and eventually I had walked from Ballston (in VA) to Georgetown (in DC), 4 total miles in the snow, to find the perfect meal.

In Georgetown there were a few open bars and I chose the right one because I ate one of the best Crabcake sandwiches I've ever had in my entire life. Maybe it was because I was exhausted after the 4 mile hike, but that thang was delicious. (by the way, if you take any hike like this and have to now do it 2x, you can eat whatever you need to for energy, and it isn't a "cheat" day).

While I was sitting at the bar, drinking a water like a good weight loser, it occurred to me that I would have to actually walk BACK to my brother's house. And that would mean another 4 miles in the snow. DOH! (yes I knew this the whole time, but it kind of hit me that it was real at the bar).

NOT ME EVER!!!! Actually probably totally me.

The walk back was even rougher as the snow had began to come down hard. I made a wrong turn at one point and had to trudge through 2 feet of unplowed stuff as well. The only thing keeping me going (lol, just wanted to use that cliche) was the crazy people I saw on the way, and the hilarious things I saw on the way.

The final 2 blocks were almost impossible. It took me 10 minutes because it was a total white out and I couldn't see anything. But eventually I made it home.

I had walked 8 miles exactly. It was one awesome workout and perfect for my weight challenge and my healthier lifestyle. Plus I didn't even realize I was working out half the time due to all the fun stuff that happened on the way.

And then...I crashed...ZZZzzzZZZzzz

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