Tuesday, August 25, 2015

I Don't Want Your Disgusting Baked Goods And 5 Other Dieting Answers

One of the bad things about eating healthy and getting your D on is that you constantly have to explain yourself to people. You have to answer questions like "Why don't you want a beer" or "Why don't you want a slice of cake". Instead of answering the question the more accurate way, "because you baked it and it is probably horrible", I answer with the other half of the truth; "I'm eating healthy". The questions always continue and I've got a few more answers.

"Eating healthy? So what? no carbs?"

This is where my head explodes.

I don't know how Billy Bob (or whatever his name is) Atkins did it, but he apparently convinced like 90% of America that the key to losing weight/dieting is to remove carbs from your diet. As someone who is constantly active and on the move (when not in a slump), carbs are my best friend. They give you the energy you need to live life as a human. Not eating carbs is not "eating healthy". It may be "dieting", but so is not eating food, that doesn't mean you should do it.

Nothing annoys me more than someone who brings up carbs. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

"What kind of diet are you on then?"

I'm on a diet where I eat healthy. There is no book. There is no spiffy name. I am just literally eating healthier. I don't really know what else to call it. I cut down on the stuff that is worse for me and start eating the stuff that is better for me. Aside from that I stop eating like I'm a garbage disposal and start eating like a civilized non-caveman human. THERE IS NO NAME! Oh and you better believe there are PLENTY of carbs!

"Why are you on a diet? You are so skinny. Look at me. I need a diet!"

You do you, I'll do me. I know when my belly sticks out over my belt and I have man boobs that I need to make a change, even if you can't see it under my shirt. Honestly, I don't care what you have to say about it. Sorry. If I'm 160 pound guy in a 180 pound body, that ain't right. Now I may not want to bring up my diet in conversation because it could annoy people who feel that way, but if they know I'm eating healthy they need to know I'm not stopping because of them.

"Real men don't diet, don't be a [insert some sexist expletive]"

This is a classic and if you are a guy your bros are going to throw it at you on a consistent basis. One of the ways you can combat this is to say something mean and deeply personal about that person that is a total one up on their superficial stock joke that really hits them in the heart. But that is a low blow and I find it is nicer to just say "good one" and change the subject.

"Why not make today your cheat day?"


This is another one that really gets me amped up. Cheat days. Just the term cheating is so negative. I have found that people who use this term are often not as serious about their health goals as they need to be.  I don't even know what cheating is. I follow my plan and make an adjustment here or there based on special events, work dinners, etc. If I wanted to eat a giant slice of Oreo cheesecake I wouldn't be cheating. I'd just be making it harder for me to adjust my plan which is annoying. Self control is your best friend.

Haters gonna hate

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